108.jpg Mutual AssistanceRelief System
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"Volunteerism is both reactive and proactive. It is a response to current events, social problems, and community needs that volunteers are often the first to identify. Volunteers can take action before institutions and government are willing to offer services. As such, volunteers are pioneers and experimenters, unlimited by the restrictions of tradition, public statutes, need to make a profit, or availability of initial funds."

Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give.

This site is designed to facillitate coordination between those wanting to help and those seeking help. It is also hoped that by using this site the community as a whole will come together to help themselves as the First Step towards providing relief to the unfortunate.

Note: This site is for demonstration purposes only

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Information gathered about volunteers will only be used for providing Relief Services. This is guaranteed by the Law

Any misuse of the site may lead to penalties under the judicial system.

Copyright ©2001 DequeSystems. All rights reserved.
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